Troubleshooting Thermostat Controls

Zafar Saeed Ahmed

7/19/20231 min read

  • What's a Thermostat? It's like the boss of your heating and cooling system.

  • Problems You Might See:

    • Thermostat screen is blank.

    • Heating or cooling system isn't working.

    • Room is too hot or too cold compared to what the thermostat says.

    • Heating or cooling system keeps turning on and off quickly or won't stop running.

    • Can't change the temperature on the thermostat.

  • What You Can Do:

    • If the thermostat screen is blank, try changing the batteries or check your house's main power box.

    • If the heating or cooling system isn't working, check your house's main power box or call a professional.

    • If the room is too hot or too cold, clean the thermostat or change the air filters in your heating or cooling system.

    • If the heating or cooling system keeps turning on and off quickly or won't stop running, try the steps above or call a professional.

    • If you can't change the temperature on the thermostat, it might be locked. Try pressing the plus and minus buttons at the same time for a few seconds.

  • When to Get a New Thermostat: If your thermostat is old, shows the wrong temperature, gets stuck, makes your energy bills high, makes weird noises, or forgets your temperature settings, you might need a new one.

  • When to Call a Professional: If you've tried everything and it's still not working, call a professional. They can fix it or tell you if you need a new one.